Sunday, February 24, 2013

Dr. Seuss Door - Quick & Easy!

So, next week is the big Seuss Week.  My school is celebrating in a big way with many activities planned for every day.  One of the activities we are doing again this year is the door decorating contest.  If you've been around, you might remember the My Many Colored Days door decoration and activity that my friends did last year.  It involved a poem activity and was a lot of fun.

This year, I don't have a homeroom to decorate a door.  My room is pretty much my office, but I still wanted to decorate my door.  This is why I called the post "Dr. Seuss Door - Quick & Easy." This was going to be quick.  I actually did it all in one day, start to finish!

Since I didn't have students to complete an activity, I decided to Google a Dr. Seuss poem.  Here's the final creation.
Now, you should know there's not an original thought going on here!  I totally copied this from an image I found on Google.  And, I would love to give credit to someone for it but there doesn't seem to be anyone to be found.  This is the original image that gave me the idea for the door.
Cute, right?  However, in looking for the original site or creator to give credit I ran into a dead end.  Here's the link for the Google search.  And, here's a link to it on Pinterest.  However, nothing seems to link to anything else.  So, if you are the hat maker. . . Thanks for the idea!  And, leave a comment so I can happily credit you.
UPDATE:  I knew someone would know where this came from!  Thanks to Mrs. Parker from the blog Learning with Mrs. Parker for knowing the source.  Before I get to that, check out Mrs. Parker's blog.  The link will take you to a great linky party she did for Read Across America.  Tons of great ideas!   The hat poem is from Mrs. Krull's blog Of Primary Importance.  She is using it for a shared reading lesson.  Here's the best part.  She has the entire poem available for download on her site!  The link for her blog will take you to that post.  So, thanks to both Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Krull!
To make the door hat, I just taped a bunch of red and white construction paper together and used an overhead projector to project the poem.  I copied it with some black Sharpies and was done.  The various book characters you see around it are just more image searches that I printed out.  A quick and easy Seuss door!  You can't go wrong with anything that encourages reading, reading, and more reading!
I was going to do a post with lots of fun links related to Dr. Seuss, but honestly there is just so much out there a quick Google search will give you plenty.  The one thing I did think I would share is where you can download a "Dr. Seuss" type font.  It would be great to have for creating signs or activities for you classroom that look Seuss-y, if that's even a word!
The font is called DOCTOR SOOS and can be found at  That link will take you directly to the Doctor Soos font.  It is free for personal use, so download and create!  Here's a quick screen shot from the site to show you what the font looks like.

Hope your Dr. Seuss activities and celebrations are amazing this week!
I'll be back later today to post the winner of the give away.
Have a great Sunday!


  1. Here is the original link to the idea.

    1. Thanks so much! I just updated the post to include you both! :-)

  2. Thanks Nancy for sharing the Dr. Seuss stuff I am looking forward to celebrating the day!! After reading your post about small group writing conferences a couple weeks ago I decided to give them a try in my class. I am always running out of time to read/edit all the kids writing pieces and some of my kidos move so slowly through the right process. Last, Monday I tried it for the 1st time. MY KIDO LOVED IT! It was amazing how well they listened to each "author" share and they had GREAT feed back for their peers. I even had one student say "Wow Sally you used really great strong verbs!" I was so excited and thrilled with how it worked out for my group of kids. Thanks again for sharing this wonderful tip! I don't think I will look at writing conferences the same ever again!

    1. You totally just made my day! I am so happy that the small group writing conferences worked for you. I love hearing from readers and how they tried something I posted about. Most of all I love that your friends loved it. What a great response about the verbs. The more you do it, I promise the more your friends will get out of it. Thanks for the feedback!

      Here's the link to the post for anyone interested in reading about it:

  3. Hey, I really like the idea of the reading poem it looks great and would be a nice thing to display in the classroom. I think that there is scope for the children to create their own 'reading' poems from it as well. I also believe that they may also help foster their enthusiasm for reading in a range of different places other than in the classroom and at home. Thanks for sharing.

    I hope you can leave some feedback on my blog too.
    All the best,

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  5. I just stumbled upon this delightful blog post about the creative Dr. Seuss-themed door decoration, and it truly brought back some fond memories from my teaching days. While the blog's primary focus is on the wonderful decorations and learning opportunities for kids.
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  7. To make the door hat, I just taped a bunch of red and white construction paper together and used an overhead projector to project the poem. I copied it with some black Sharpies and was done. The various book characters you see around it are just more image searches that I printed out. A quick and easy Seuss door! You can't go wrong with anything that encourages reading, reading, and more reading!
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