Monday, November 5, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

I know that prior to October 30 I had been MIA for a while.  I was completely overwhelmed by my new position and needed some time to adjust.  And, adjust I did!  I wrote a few post that I had planned to post.  But then, I became MIA for a very different reason.  Hurricane Sandy. 
 The pictures below are taken of places that are no more than a 5 minute drive from my home.  I am on day 7 and counting with no power.  That means no heat, no electricity, no hot water, and obviously no Internet.  I am writing this at a hot spot I happened to find.  Despite all that, I am one of the very lucky ones.  My family is all ok.  Our homes are still standing.  That is not the case for so many in my community.

School has been cancelled for two weeks.  Even then, we are not sure if we will be going back next Monday or not.  Teachers I work with have lost their homes, most have no power, and those that still have their homes have had trees fall on them, fences down, and more.   I can't even tell you how our students fared.  Most seem to be doing ok, but then today I heard that one families house burned down last night.  The storm is over, but it doesn't seem as if it is for us yet.

Today, I spent the morning volunteering in a community two towns over that has been devastated by the hurricane.  On every corner you have the National Guard posted.  FEMA personnel are everywhere.  Several teachers and I got together to help families empty out water flooded homes and then went to help organize clothes and goods at a donation drop off center.  You can't imagine how overwhelming it is emotionally to see people putting everything they own on the curb.  So many people have lost literally everything except the clothes on their back.

If you can donate to help those so devastated by this hurricane, please do so.  They need your help so desperately.  A good place to donate it to the Hurricane Sandy NJ Relief Fund.  Money donated there is to go directly to New Jersey residents effected by the storm.

As for posting on this blog.  I have some fun things to post, but am not sure when I will be able to.  As I wrote, I have no power and no Internet service.  I'm not sure when I will have power.  However, as soon as I do I plan to get back to blogging.

Thanks for sticking around.  I promise to be back as soon as I can.


  1. Stay strong! Keep doing good for others. They need you.

  2. Wow. I'm glad you are safe.


  3. Thinking of you. stay safe.


  4. I'm so sad for how much loss there is. Stay safe and warm.

  5. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your community.

  6. Hi Nancy! Thank you for sharing your story and photographs. I can't imagine what everyone is going through right now. Thank you for everything you are doing to help in your community!

    EduKate and Inspire

  7. Thinking of all of you and sending lots of prayers and hugs.

  8. Keeping everyone affected by this storm in my thoughts and prayers! Hope things will begin to return to normal soon.

  9. I have been reading your blog for as long as you've been blogging. I always felt close because I'm in NJ too. Ocean County. Hang in there. We are all helping each other as best we can. Please post if your school will be back and if we can help.

  10. I have family in New Jersey too, they are hanging in there...hope you stay warm, stay safe. If you need supplies we can send you some from Florida!
